A good entry overall and I was pleased to find that the quality in depth of the dogs and the bitches was more even than when I have judge previously. Any breed needs a good selection of males and I feel there are some excellent young males coming through. On the minus side, too many weak pasterns and flat feet, lightish eyes, short, steep upperarms and hounds which were rather too thin. On the plus side, well muscled hounds, excellent coats, fewer hounds overtrimmed.
MPD (2). 1 Cunningham's Killoeter Lamlash at Aonachdubh. Well grown 8 months balanced youngster. Lovely dark eye, good length of neck, good angulation to forequarters. Adequate depth of chest for age, good topline, well angulated hindquarters, low set hocks. A little weak in pasterns at present and throwing his front about coming. Lovely free stride in profile with correctly carried tail. Best Puppy. 2 Foy's Killoeter Laurel. Another promising youngster, not as settled in the ring today as one and without his scope at present. Many of the same attributes as one standing, unsettled coming and going, but long stride in profile. Little to choose between these two.
PD (3). 1 Whyte's Gilrivie Magnus. Very shapely puppy, would like a little more size and substance at this age, but he is well balanced. Good head and expression, well carried ears, good length of neck, lovely coat, nice flow to quarters, good feet. A little unsettled coming and would like a longer stride in profile. Presents a pleasing outline overall standing. 2 Spence's Brylach Macneil. Slightly longer cast than one, but not as forward in development on the day. Lovely neat ears, strong neck of good length, good depth of body, good rear angulation, feet could be a little tighter. Tended to curl his tail on the move which spoilt his overall outline slightly, but had a good stride when he settled into a collected trot. 3 Mulligan's Brylach Macgregor.
JD (1). 1 Brylach Macgregor. Alone, but deserved his win here. Third in puppy as he is at a more legs and wings stage of development than his competition in that class. Liked his head and expression, a little upright in front at present and tended to stand a bit narrow, although he has adequate width across chest. Moved well in profile, just needs to settle coming and going.
ND (3). 1 Smart's Greystiel Morar. Biggish dog, entirely masculine, shown in full coat of correct texture and length. Very well balanced and shown in hard condition. Alert expression, long strong neck, good shoulders and length of upperarm. Good depth of body, shapely hindquarters with well developed second thigh. Scopey dog, not exaggerated in any way, playing his handler up a bit on the move, but excellent free stride in profile. 2 Coull's Stainlonan Rikki of Regalflight. Well muscled dog who really used his hindquarters on the move. Pleasing head, slightly shorter in muzzle than one, strong neck, but would like just a little more reach, good front angulation. Tended to stand with his feet a bit flat. Adequate spring of rib, lovely depth of chest, not quite the width across hindquarters of my winner. Good profile action. Both one and two looked a bit raw on the day with a lot of maturing still to do. 3 Third's Tartraven Ornish.
PGD (9). 1 Girling's Pyefleet Gwilliam. Strong dog of lovely overall shape and shown in good coat. Good depth and width throughout body, good front angulation, perhaps could have slightly more width of stifle, correct topline. Not the most enthusiastic of movers, but he was sound all round and in good condition. 2 Smart's Greystiel Loch Ashie. Close up to one, but preferred the topline of my winner. Good head shape, lightish eyes, lovely ears. Well laid shoulder, good length and return of upperarm, shapely underline. Good feet, shown in full coat, looked as though he could to the job he was bred for, very attentive in the ring and moved with purpose. 3 Cunningham's Dorrator Nathaniel at Aonachdubh.
LD (4). Difficult to separate the first three in this class and sure they will change places on another day. All three were good prospects for the future. 1 Peach's Kilbourne MacLeod. Good overall balance, felt he had the slightly better return of upperarm than 2 & 3. Head just spoilt by lightish eyes, strong neck, lovely depth of chest and spring of rib, good tail carriage. Tended to pin in slightly coming, but had strong, driving rear action. Has scope and presents a flowing overall outline. 2 Peach's Greyflax Myth to Kilbourne. Free moving dog in profile, not quite the body and substance of one although had slightly more length of leg. Strong, elegant neck, bit upright in upperarm, adequate spring of rib, preferred the underline of one. Lovely sweep of hindquarters, well muscled. 3 Traynor's Kenmilltri Jock.
OD (3). 1 Peach's Kilbourne Nimrod. Strong, totally masculine hound. Muscular, reachy neck, balanced angulation front and rear, good body and lovely coat. Hocks well let down, feet could possibly be a bit tighter, well carried tail. For perfect balance I would just like slightly more length of leg, but he presents a lovely outline standing and moving and flowed around the ring with an easy, lengthy stride. In the challenge for BOB just preferred the front extension of the bitch, but a very close decision. CC. 2 Girling's Pyefleet Percy. Very sound, balanced dog with no exaggeration. Would like a darker eye, strong arched neck into well angulated forequarters, deep brisket. Shapely rear, good length and width of second thigh, low hocks, correct feet, good coat. Not the enthusiasm of my winner on the move, but he was one of the best movers coming and going today and has a good stride in profile. Res.CC.
MPB (2). Movement coming and going in both these pups difficult to assess as they were pulling away from their handlers, but both had a good free stride in profile. 1 Rafferty's Tartraven Kayholm at Reiversreach, Well grown for age, pleasing head and expression, neat ears. Strong neck, good depth, tending to stand a bit wide at present. Lovely depth of chest and length of ribcage. Shapely hindquarters with good width across thigh. 2 Robertson's Tartraven Rosaidh. Litter mate to one, but finer overall and not so forward in development. Lovely dark eye, neat ears, good coat. Good length of ribcage. Good tail carriage on the move. She is a little narrow all through at the moment, but presents a good profile outline.
PB (3). 1 Spence's Brylach Macbeth. Light brindle well developed 10 months bitch. Good head and forequarters. Lovely depth for age, nice length of ribbing, good topline, harsh coat, good sweep to hindquarters. She was tending to favour a front leg slightly today, which cost her best puppy in breed, but she moved with good extension and drive in profile. 2 Traynor's Canishurn Zena. Close up to one, slightly longer cast overall and at a difference stage of development. Very feminine head, darkest of eyes, soft expression, ears could be a bit neater. Good underline and topline and shapely hindquarters. Still needs to settle in front action coming, but moved well in profile with correctly carried tail.
JB (4). 1 Peach's Pinglehol Ruby to Kilbourne. Raw and rangy 12 months youngster showing great promise. Lovely head, elegant neck into good foreqarters. Good depth of chest and spring of rib, flowing hindq uarters. Sound coming and going and a truly houndy outline standing and moving. Everything in the right place, just needs time. 2 Jackson's Killoeter Kalanchoe. More finished than one, but just not quite the overall scope. Neatest of ears, strong neck of good length, topline still to settle. Good depth and width throughout, lovely rear angulation, low set hocks. Tail carriage a bit too high on the move, true coming and going, moved well in profile. 3 Rhode's Gentom Ovation.
NB (7).1 Traynor's Kilbourne Violet. Difficult to choose between 1 & 2, liked them both, decision made on profile movement. Strong, elegant and feminine bitch. Well angulated forequarters, good depth of brisket, balanced hindquarters, good coat. Sound coming and going and easy, free striding profile action when she settled. 2 Lowe's Readwald Cleopatra. Very shapely overall outline and slightly deeper in chest than one. Good head, strong neck, well balanced angulation front and rear, would like just a little more width throughout. Not quite as enthusiastic on the move today as one, but she was very sound coming and going. 3 Hawkins's Killoeter Halma.
PGB (13). Lovely class to judge and there was little to choose between the first three. 1 Bailey's Greyflax a Kind of Magic JW. Well grown, lovely coat and condition, good layback of shoulder, a shade upright in upperarm. Good depth of body and length of ribcage. Standing, the arch over the loin appeared to start a bit too far forward, but this was correct on the move. Nice sweep to hindquarters although hocks could be a bit lower, good tail carriage. Won this class finally on her easy profile movement and ring presence. 2 Gillie's Dorrator Orla. Well balanced bitch, loveliest of heads, elegant neck into good forequarters. Good depth throughout, shapely rearquarters, good length of second thigh, hocks well let down. Moved freely in profile, sound, coming and going, good tail carriage. Quality bitch yet to reach her prime. 3 Adams's Hydfron Ula for Zandahar.
LB (10). 1 Bailey's Greyflax Waterloo Sunset. Well presented bitch looking a bit immature today, shown in good hard condition. Pleasing head, good length of neck into well angulated forequarters. Balanced rear angulation, low set hocks, well carried tail. Moved enthusiastically with good extension and drive. 2 Taylor's Lyart Lyra Belacqua. Balanced bitch, excellent head, dark eyes. Good reach of neck, better topline than one, but not quite her underline. Good width of thigh and length of second thigh, good feet. She does not show herself to her best advantage, but she is an honest, typical hound and moved very well in profile. 3 McLuskie's Heathstane Sheil.
OB (9). 1 Finnett and Heathcote's Ch. Hyndsight Au Fait. Took my eye as soon as she entered the ring and for me has the right mixture of strength and elegance necessary in our breed. Very feminine head, well held ears, good reach of neck, good shoulder placement and length and return of upperarm. Shapely underline and lovely sweep to hindquarters. Moved extremely well in profile with good extension and drive. Never stopped showing and presented in excellent condition. CC & BOB. 2 Martyn, McDonald and Hindley's Rosslyn Mystique. Elegant bitch, lovely dark eyes. Lovely length of neck, not quite the length of upperarm of one. Good depth of chest and length of ribcage, correct topline, good coat. Shapely hindquarters, low hocks. She is rather wide across the front which causes her to pin in slightly coming, but for me this is far outweighed by her beautiful balanced profile outline and easy stride. Res CC. 3 Robertson's Tartraven Vula Mor.
Marilyn Pursglove